I am a Pulitzer Prize-nominated photographer.
I spent 25 years as a photojournalist in Chicago covering everything from Mayor Daley to Michael Jordan to President Obama. Meeting so many interesting people and creating great photographs of them, while learning something I didn't know before I met them, is probably the very best thing about those years.
Mayor Daley was gruff, but he loved Chicago perhaps more than anyone I have ever met. Ask me about the time I sat in an interview with him and the Sun-Times City Hall reporter Fran Spielman.
Michael Jordan was the best there ever was. The best there ever will be. I loved The Last Dance documentary series about MJ and the Bulls. I hung on every word, and couldn’t believe I actually got to be a part of those dynasty years. One of the most memorable games was when I met Walter Payton. He sat behind me courtside when I was covering a game, and he said hi to me at halftime, obviously seeing me taking peeks at him throughout the half. I was both a little embarrassed and touched that he did that.
And President Obama? Well, I photographed him several times over the years: all the way back at his apartment in Hyde Park during his Senate run, with Michelle and their then-little girls, and all the way up to his first post-Presidency appearance, when I got to greet him as he arrived on the UChicago campus. He was and remains kind and authentic.
Every person, every high school senior, and every family I photograph has their own unique story. My best work comes from being authentic with my subjects so that they can be authentic with me. Whether it is making kids giggle, helping high school seniors see and feel their own beauty and strength, or creating a lifelong memory for families, these stories reveal themselves in our time together and live forever in beautifully printed artwork in your home.
Photography means different things to different people, but to me, my photography is who I am. I want to meet you, and love you, and tell your story, too.
Contact me today to get started: 708.296.2170.